FéRI Scientific Days
FeRI’s Scientific days are organized each year to foster discussions and exchanges between all members from the academic and private sector working on human and veterinary infections. Keynote speakers involved in European research programs, who are present during these two days, are also a great opportunity to build a strong European network to fight infections that represent both public health and economical burdens.
The FéRI (Infectious Diseases Research Federation) is a scientific network involving 300 researchers in the region Centre-Val de Loire and neighboring area, dedicated to the study of infectious diseases.
FéRI’s unique signature is to gather researchers working on infectious diseases in humans and/or farm animals, thus fostering interactions between human and animal health experts, in full compliance with the One Health concept. The general objective of the FéRI’s members is to decipher interactions that take place between pathogens (bacteria, viruses or parasites) and their hosts (humans or farm animals) to set up, in collaboration with private companies, new diagnostics and therapies. FeRI’s ambition is also to strengthen our European connections in order to create a large network to fight against infectious diseases under the One health concept.
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To remember
6 and 7 July 2023 -
From 31 March 2023 to 17 June 2023 -
From 31 March 2023 to 13 June 2023 -
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